What Does it Mean to Be Good Without God...in Community?
What does it mean to be an atheist, agnostic, skeptic, or otherwise nonreligious person who ...
takes life and ethics seriously
wants to live meaningfully
is looking for community and inspiration, beyond religion
finds joy in questioning
❤️'s being human
Harvard and MIT students are invited to join the Harvard/MIT Humanist Fellowship: an ongoing discussion series, and social community where atheists/agnostics/allies explore philosophical, personal, and professional questions together. We'd love to meet you!
Kickoff meeting for the 2024-25 academic year: Friday Sept. 27, 4-6, at The Memorial Church in Harvard Yard, basement (Buttrick Room).
Additional dates/times TBA (mostly on Friday afternoons): email info@humanistchaplaincy.org for details/with questions/to join our mailing list
Harvard and MIT undergraduates and graduate students from all programs/schools are welcome
Modest stipends may be available
Programs sponsored by the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard & MIT.