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The Baccalaureate blessing  given by Humanist Chaplain Greg Epstein.

Our Mission

The Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard & MIT works with atheists, agnostics, and allies at Harvard, MIT, and beyond to create an inclusive new model for how humanists celebrate life, promote reason and compassion, and better the world for all.  


Our organization was founded as the first-ever “humanist chaplaincy” to serve nonreligious students at a college or university. In addition to providing humanist philosophical guidance and counseling for over 40 years, the Humanist Chaplaincy now sponsors and advises humanist, secular, and interfaith groups at Harvard and MIT, and creates inspirational public programs on a broad range of topics relevant to the rapidly growing secular population, with a special focus on ethical leadership in science, technology, and business.


Humanism is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment, aspiring to humanity’s greater good — it is, in short, good without god.

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